Sunday, May 20, 2007

Guess Who Finally Got Tickets?

Yup, it is official. Got the tickets this morning with Greg. Still have to get my passport... haha. Leave it to me to postpone something so easy yet so important for this journey of a lifetime. My appointment with the Passport Agency is the 25th at 9am. I leave the 28th at 11pm. Thank for expedited service. As you see, flyin' with good ol' Virgin Atlantic non-stop. I am thinking it shouldn't be too hard to readjust as I will be getting on the plane at 11pm, sleeping, and then waking up after 6 hours or so, at which point it will be 11am there. So it will hopefully just feel like I had a short night of sleep and my body should adjust, right?

Think I am gonna book the hostel now for the first night since Greg will not be around... should prolly make sure I have a place to sleep, eh? Although I recall one of our English pals we met in Canada supposedly being in London for the first week we are there. Then she goes back up to Sheffield... I think. So we might have a place to stay. Should prob work on that.

To do today:

  1. Sell textbooks back to get cash for bike stuff,
  2. Move a bunch of my stuff to my parents for storage so I can sublet,
  3. Bike shop with Greg to get pannier setups,
  4. Some trip preparation with Greg

zOMG so close!
